Single Photo by Dié-Yacine Ka 2023 3rd

Traditional agroforestery system in Senegal — Faidherbia albida, a multipurpose tree for arid zones
The picture was taken in Senegal, in a rural locality named Baba Garage, during a field trip in July 2020. It shows rainfed crops sown under the Faidherbia albida forest, a traditional “Groundnut Basin” landscape. The “Kadd” (Faidheerbia albida in local language) is a leguminous tree with multipurpose role. This is due to a surprising characteristic: it loses its leaves in the rainy season and becomes green again in the dry season (reverse vegetative cycle). Unlike many other trees, in the dry season, it becomes a source of shade and food for livestock (when there is no more pasture). In the rainy season, it defoliates, thus allowing crops to grow on humus (layer of leaves added to livestock excrement) & without competition from light, which increases their yield. In addition to these virtues ,the Kadd has the ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, contributing to soil fertility. In the foreground, we can see the smallholders’ plots with the sowing lines. In the background, the Kadd located on the plots have green crowns at their feet, reflecting their fertility power.